Our Programs

Our Programs

Traditional Model

JAG-K operates in 75 Kansas schools that are divided into four regions. Regional Managers provide program support to Career Specialists and students in their regions. The 2024-25 school year will start with 114 programs across the state in 48 school districts.

Transition Services

JAG-K also has a program specifically for Kansas students who are unstably housed.  In partnership with the Kansas Department for Children and Families, the Kansas Department of Education, and the Kansas Department of Corrections, JAG-K implemented a multi-phase pilot project to help increase successful outcomes for our Kansas students in transitory situations, including system-involved youth (foster care, incarcerated) and the homeless. The evidence-based JAG model is the foundation for helping these students prepare for successful futures during a challenging time in their lives.

The JAG-K Transition Services Career Specialist is responsible for advocating for the student, keeping track of their progress toward graduation, and providing necessary support to ensure that the student succeeds in their academic courses as well as attaining life skills and mastering core JAG career and leadership development competencies.  


Hays High School

JAG-K gives people a purpose and helps with what students want to do or become in the future. It is just one of those stepping stones that sets you up for success in the end game - the program that will set me up for greatness.


Winfield Middle School

JAG-K has made it easier for me to speak in front of people and be myself. They have also helped me think about career paths and motivated me to become more involved in my community.


Arkansas City Middle School

Because of JAG-K, I am learning to be a better person and how to be more successful, all while having fun hearing about what to expect in High School and the real world!


Highland Park High School

I do not know where I would be without JAG-K. They have helped me plan out my future and always believed in myself even when I did not.


Hays High School

JAG-K has helped me improve more in four months than whole school years have before. JAG-K helps me push to better myself and gives all of us new opportunities.