National Model

The JAG Model

JAG Model Programs

JAG-K utilizes the Middle School, Multi-Year, and Alternative Education program applications based on the JAG National model in all its programs.

The ten common elements, which are listed to the right, of the JAG Model guide the six different program applications available to state affiliates. These elements are then adapted to the audience served in each program application. 

The six program applications which are designed to deliver JAG Model services are: Middle School, Multi-Year, Alternative Education, Senior, Out-of-School, and the Early College Success programs. More information regarding the JAG Model and Model Programs can be found by clicking the button below.

  • Student Selection
  • Classroom Instruction
  • Adult Mentoring
  • Leadership Development
  • Guidance and Counseling
  • Jobs and Post-secondary Education Placement Services
  • 12-Month Follow-up Services
  • Accountability System
  • Technical Assistance and Professional Development

JAG Core Competencies

Within the programs across Kansas, JAG-K utilizes the Middle School, Multi-Year, and Alternative Education program applications based on the JAG National model. A brief description is provided for each core competency below which highlights some, but not all, of the necessary skills recognized by the JAG National model.

Career Development

Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities and develop a future path for the selected occupation.

Job Attainment

Construct resumes and cover letters, seek recommendation letters, fill-out applications, and gain an appropriate understanding of the interview process.

Job Survival

Identify employer expectations, demonstrate time management and professional appearance, and practice effective workplace human relations.

Basic Skills

Comprehend verbal and written communication, communicate effectively in professional and non-professional settings, and perform mathematical calculations.

Leadership and Self-Development

Familiarization with team-based environments, demonstrate team leadership, effectively present in front of groups, and experience commitment to an organization.

Personal Skills

Make decisions based on values and goals, recognize self-worth, demonstrate the ability to assume responsibility for actions and decisions, and understand the types of maturity.

Our History

The original JAG Model was launched in 1979 in the State of Delaware as a “school-to-work transition program” designed to keep students in school through graduation and help them transition into the workplace in quality jobs. The national program now has models in 38 different states. In 2013, Governor Sam Brownback brought the JAG Model to Kansas and launched the Jobs for America’s Graduates-Kansas (JAG-K) program in 25 different schools across our state.

Since then, JAG-K programs have been established across the state. For the 2024-2025 school year, JAG-K has 114 programs in 48 school districts. Each year, our Career Specialists invest in approximately 6,200 students to help them discover their true potential and graduate from high school. Career Specialists also develop community relationships to help provide internships, job shadowing opportunities, guest speakers, college and business visits and other career and leadership development opportunities.

The JAG Model, through the Career Specialist, provides a unique follow-up program that fosters continued success and support. During this 12-month period, specialists are actively involved in intensive one-on-one mentorships, employer marketing, and job development activities to identify job opportunities for students after their graduation or GED completion.

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